BIS on DHM 2018

BIS on DHM 2018

Gdynia, Poland, 31th May - 2nd June 2018
Two days of lectures on both Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine with pre-symposium workshops. Only invited lecturers - experts in the field with great experience in their topics. The National Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine in Gdynia was responsible for preparation of the scientific program. The Symposium was be held in the Hotel Nadmorski located in one of the most spectacular place in Gdynia, Poland, just at the sea-side of the Baltic Sea.
Pre-symposium workshop on bubble detection in divers (Thursday 31st May 2018)

Topics: Pathophysiology and properties of gas bubbles, Basics of detections methods, Practice in use of ultrasound and doppler techniques, Grading systems, Automated scoring systems, Circulating gas bubbles (PFO and other Right-to-Left shunts), Correlation between gas bubbles and DCS, Cohort on-site studies and more.

Faculty: Costantino Balestra (Belgium), Danilo Cialoni (Italy), Murat Egi (Turkey), Mikael Gennser (Sweden), Peter Germonpre (Belgium), Jacek Kot (Poland), Alessandro Marroni (Italy), Andreas Mollerlokken (Norway) and more.
One day for Diving Medicine (Friday 1st June 2018)

Topics: Physiological aspects of diving, Diving and genetics, Recompression treatment, Diving with PFO, Gas bubbles in divers, Apnea diving and gas bubbles, Rescue missions in diving operations, Medical support for commercial operations, Autopsy of divers and more.

Faculty: Costantino Balestra (Belgium), Danilo Cialoni (Italy), Mikael Gennser (Sweden), Peter Germonpre (Belgium), Jacek Kot (Poland), Pasquale Longobardi (Italy), Alessandro Marroni (Italy), Andreas Mollerlokken (Norway), Anne Räisänen-Sokolowski (Finland), Akin Toklu (Turkey).
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Pre-symposium workshop on Intensive Care in hyperbaric chamber (Thursday 31st May 2018)

Topics: Role of HBOT in Intensive Care, Molecular mechanisms of HBOT in sepsis, Cardiovascular system during HBOT, Respiratory system during HBOT, Medical devices in hyperbaric chamber, Multi-modal approach for emergency and intensive care patients and more

Faculty: Ole Hyldegaard (Denmark), Jacek Kot (Poland), Daniel Mathieu (France), Beatrice Ratzenhoffer (Austria), Peter Radermacher (Germany).
One day for Hyperbaric Medicine (Saturday 2nd June 2018)
Topics: HBOT and tissue oxygenation, HBOT in carbon monoxide poisoning, HBOT in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, HBOT in severe infections (incl. brain abscesses and infected implanted devices),  HBOT in central retinal occlusion, HBOT in wound management, oxygen therapies in wound treatment (incl. topical oxygen therapy and vacuum-assisted closure).

Faculty: Jordi Desola (Spain), Ole Hyldegaard (Denmark), Jacek Kot (Poland), Folke Lind (Sweden), Pasquale Longobardi (Italy), Alessandro Marroni (Italy), Daniel Mathieu (France), Peter Radermacher (Germany), Michał Werner (Poland).

Detailed program can be downloaded here.
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